
Be Positive and Stay Positive




Who would have thought that something so simple could have such a profound effect?

A little exercise that packs an emormous punch –   it will help you to be positive and stay positive.

Three good things.

Try this exercise once a week to begin with.  Look back over the week gone by and make a note of three good things that happened to you.  They don’t have to be big things – anything from, getting a report in on time at work; meeting a friend for dinner, managing to work out five days straight.  Be sure to write it down – if you can, write it in a journal rather than type on computer.  The act of writing itself slows you down and allows you to think more deeply about you are writing. H

That’s it.

It works because, ‘what you focus on expands’.   Each day you will start to look for the good things  and the more you look for good things, the more good things you will find.  You will very quickly expect to find good things.  Once your mindset becomes more positive you will also start to overlook the little negative occurrences that would usually irritate you.  this will increase your sense of wellbeing immeasurably.

Doing the exercise only once a week will ensure it remains a pleasure to do rather than becoming a chore.

Remember, “Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.”  The Dalai lama

This is one small action you can take that could just change your life.

Want to know how to put this exercise to great use with your children or grandchildren?  Head over to Happy Stuff and Fluff on You Tube  here.    (Join the conversation by subscribing)



Join us in Bolton: Exploring What Matters

Action for Happiness 8 week course talking about what really matters, if we are to have flourishing and fulfilling lives.

I am delighted and excited to be running two courses on behalf of the charity organization Action for Happiness right here in Bolton.

Exploring What Matters – 8 week ‘Happiness course’


Monday 7th March 7pm-9pm, Lostock Parish Centre, Tempest road, Lostock BL6 4EL                                          

Backed by the Dalai Lama and proven to leave people feeling happier!                                       

Here is a taster of what we will be covering: 

WEEK 1: What really matters in life?

WEEK 2: What actually makes us happy?

WEEK 3: Can we find peace of mind?

WEEK 4: How should we treat others?

WEEK 5: What makes for great relationships?

WEEK 6: Can we be happier at work? ?

WEEK 7: Can we build happier communities?

WEEK 8: How can we create a happier world?


COME AND JOIN US!  (it might just change your life)            

                   To book your place contact me:  Christine@conroycoaching.com  


http://www.facebook.com/christinelconroy  come on over and ‘like’ if you like









There are 6.5million caregivers in the UK today (carersuk.org) that’s 1 in 8 of the population. In the US move the decimal point along – 65million people approximately 1 in 4.


Often by choice but sometimes with no choice at all, these people put their own lives on hold in order to care for a loved one.  It can be one of the most lonely positions to be in.  I know, I was there.  Yet, I was never alone.

My mother, sister and daughter at aged seven, were all diagnosed with cancer.  Different cancers and totally unrelated.  Over a period of twenty years we lived under the Sword of Damocles.  Just waiting for the axe to fall.  And fall it did, more than once.  My mother’s cancer returned and it revisited my sister four times.  I am blessed to have two brothers and two sisters and we were all involved in caring.

At seven, of course my daughter needed physical care.  For much of the time with mum and my sister,  apart from ferrying to and from hospital appointments my role as carer was more of an emotional one.  When cancer hit my sister for the final time,  I was fortunate to be in a position where I could stop everything I was doing and focus totally on her and her needs.  She was fiercely independent to the very end, cooking her own meals until the day before she died.  But she knew she only had to whistle and I would be there.

The point of my telling you this is that during speaking engagements and book signings I have spoken with people who are totally alone in their caring role, often caring for two parents at the same time.  My hat goes off  and my heart goes out to them.                                                                          If you are caring for someone, what you are doing is nothing short of heroic and you have my utmost gratitude and respect.


I am joining with A. Michael Bloom, a certified professional coach and ‘caregiving without regret’ expert for a caregiving power hour call. Michael has helped to revitalize the careers of hundreds of family and professional caregivers with practical, tactical soul-saving coping strategies and supports them in saving lives, including their own.  Together in a warm, comforting environment we want to support the caregiver – if that’s you or if you know of someone you can register here. (You will need to opt in but you will not be bombarded and your address is safe)



There will be no selling. Together we want to  raise your happiness levels a little  and make your life that bit easier.  Please join us.







Photo credit





(for part one see below)

Visualization = Imagination + emotion

Visualization is not, as someone once suggested to me, a hocus pocus activity that only ‘woo woo’ people engage in. It is simply a form of mental rehearsal that anyone can do to help them achieve a particular outcome. That outcome could be the result of a small task or an ultimate goal.

For golfer Jack Niclaus the outcome was the perfect shot. He says:

I never hit a shot not even in practice without having a very sharp, in focus, picture of it in my head. First I see the ball where I want it to finish, nice and white and sitting up high on the bright green grass. Then the scene quickly changes and I see the ball going there: It’s path, trajectory, and shape, even its behaviour on landing. Then there is a sort of fade out and the next scene showing me making the kind of swing that will turn the previous images into reality.”

Successful sportsmen/women have been using this method for years. You can use it too.

So first of all you need to know what you want. Use visualization as part of your goal setting system. See What Strikes me in the Beautiful Game) or Goal Setting, Chapter three of Stitch your own Silver Linings.

Be clear and determined.

An exercise for those of you who think you can’t visualize.

Close your eyes and think about this:

You arrive home from work tired after a long hard day. You open your front door and step inside. What do you see? What does the entrance to your home look like? What colour is your hallway or the room you walk in to – is the floor carpeted or tiled? What colour are the walls? What pictures hang on the walls or whose photographs are there?                                                                                                                                                                                       How do feel? Relieved and relaxed? Glad to be home?

Whatever you just saw and felt was a visualization. You may not have seen such images as described so clearly by Jack Niklaus but you don’t have to. Clarity comes with practice.

So, think about a big goal you have right now or an outcome you want to achieve.   I have found the following process to be the best for me:

Get into a deeply relaxed state. I like to do 30mins of yoga to relax and unwind first. Or a good time could be first thing in the morning when you are in that lovely semi-conscious state before being fully awake. Alternatively, just before falling off to sleep. During the day, you could find a quiet room where you can sit comfortably alone for a while. Close your eyes. Take some long slow deep breaths and relax more deeply with each breath.                                                                                         Now think about what it is going to be like when you have achieved your goal – imagine yourself having achieved whatever it is you most want.

current weight

current weight

Desired weight


If, for example that happens to be weight loss – see yourself in full glorious colour at your desired weight.  What do you look like? How are  you acting? Most importantly how do you feel?

Allow yourself to feel the emotions of excitement, pride, joy, success! Use as many of your senses as possible to bring your visualization to life.  See yourself and feeeel yourself having achieved all that you want.  ‘Daydreaming in detail’ with purpose and emotion. Enjoy

In addition, it helps to use affirmations or positive auto suggestions. These are positive goal oriented suggestions that you say to yourself. Be sure to word them in the present tense. E.g. Look at me. I am now 10lbs lighter and I look fantastic. Repeating thoughts like this will fix your images and keep out any negative thoughts that might try to creep in.   Don’t worry if they do. it’s okay.  Notice them and let them go. Repeat the chosen affirmation relevant to your vision.

It is up to you how long you do this. Sometimes a few minutes is enough but you must do it regularly. Research shows that it takes 21 days to re-train the mind. After that it will become a regular part of your routine, like brushing your teeth.


Visualization supports the actions you are taking to reach your goal

Visualization is not magic. You need to continue working and taking the necessary actions to achieve your goal.  However, what you will notice is that all of a sudden the right things start to happen to help you. Opportunities open up that you would never have considered before. You become more certain about what to do and your path becomes easier. This does feel like magic.

How it works

Thanks to neuroscience we are now much clearer about how this works. The brain has something called the reticular activating system that works to let in the relevant information to our current intentions. That’s why if you decide you want a white car, all of a sudden you see white cars everywhere. Or, ladies you may have noticed when you were pregnant – all of a sudden everybody seemed to be pregnant!

Visualizing gives your goal dynamism and it fixes your intention into your subconscious mind. This trains your brain to focus on what you need to make it happen.

Visualization + Affirmations + Action = Realization


From Visualization to Realization

Visualization = imagination + emotion
My first introduction to the idea of visualization happened when I was in my late teens. It came through the book, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale and it totally changed my life.

If you have read my book, Stitch Your own Silver Linings, you will know the story. I used visualization to help me get a job. Later, I married the man who interviewed me for that job and some time after that, we bought the company we worked for. Amazing.

For a while after that first encounter with visualization – I forgot about it. I don’t know why. My life was everything I wanted it to be. Perhaps I just didn’t feel the need. Then, when my life fell apart – just when I did need it, it seemed that every book or article I read, visualization was being discussed. I took the hint. It had worked for me before, it could work for me again.
And work it did.

I got the visualization habit. It got me, amongst many other things, a First class degree – a qualification in Higher Education, a position as a university lecturer and a professional coaching practice certification. It has taken me all over the world from a Kenyan Safari to the Ice Hotel in Jukkasjarvi. Amazing.

Visualization got my book published and up there on the shelf in Waterstones bookstores. That image is the exact same image I have used in my visualizations long before I actually began to write the book! As if that is not enough – the two men who have had such an enormous influence on my own spiritual and personal development over the last twenty years are right there beside me. Deepak Chopra and Dr Wayne Dyer. Amazing.

Visualization is still working for me. It will work for you. In part two of From Visualization to Realization, I will tell you my process and how you can add it to your toolbox for happiness and success. It is –just amazing.


http://www.ChristineLConroy.com   http://www.facebook.com/ChristineLConroy